How or where do I start? Well, more than a year ago I set up this space with the idea that I would blog my little heart out, but here I am now just barely starting off. You should know that I have no idea what I am doing and that I am finally doing this because, well, I don't know that either.
I am a professional in my early 30's living in Central, PA. It is finally dawning on me that the job I am doing now is probably the job I will be doing for the rest of my life...great for "stability", but terrible for having something to look forward to. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I help people all the time and my co-workers are wonderful, but it's almost like a courtship, I wish my profession would "court me" a little more, that it ought to worry that one day I wouldn't be here anymore and therefore should be nicer and more spontaneous with me. Does that sound odd? Probably, but that is how I feel...maybe it's a professional 7 year itch thing.
Anyways, I love traveling, painting, reading and saving. Because I love my job (where I am underpaid), I've had to choose between traveling and home furniture. When you visit me you will see an empty home filled with lots of beautiful images. I like that. I just have to explain every once in a while why my home is empty; no, I am not squatting; no, I have not been burglarized by the world's neatest burglar.
Well, expect there to be no coherence to this site. I will probably vent my frustrations as well as some joys...such as the beautiful print I saw yesterday. Oh, and why "Modern Ifigenia"? Well, "Ifigenia" was a novel written by the Venezuelan author, Teresa de la Parra around 1924. It is the story of a smart and talented young woman caught between her potential and the conventions of her time. Needless to say she was bored a lot. As I embarked on my profession, I realized I would often lack words to describe how I felt about my life, my work and the world I live in, but I could always say: "You know, like 'Ifigenia'".
I am a professional in my early 30's living in Central, PA. It is finally dawning on me that the job I am doing now is probably the job I will be doing for the rest of my life...great for "stability", but terrible for having something to look forward to. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I help people all the time and my co-workers are wonderful, but it's almost like a courtship, I wish my profession would "court me" a little more, that it ought to worry that one day I wouldn't be here anymore and therefore should be nicer and more spontaneous with me. Does that sound odd? Probably, but that is how I feel...maybe it's a professional 7 year itch thing.
Anyways, I love traveling, painting, reading and saving. Because I love my job (where I am underpaid), I've had to choose between traveling and home furniture. When you visit me you will see an empty home filled with lots of beautiful images. I like that. I just have to explain every once in a while why my home is empty; no, I am not squatting; no, I have not been burglarized by the world's neatest burglar.
Well, expect there to be no coherence to this site. I will probably vent my frustrations as well as some joys...such as the beautiful print I saw yesterday. Oh, and why "Modern Ifigenia"? Well, "Ifigenia" was a novel written by the Venezuelan author, Teresa de la Parra around 1924. It is the story of a smart and talented young woman caught between her potential and the conventions of her time. Needless to say she was bored a lot. As I embarked on my profession, I realized I would often lack words to describe how I felt about my life, my work and the world I live in, but I could always say: "You know, like 'Ifigenia'".