Everyone in the U.S. seems outraged at the fact that France has banned the use of e-mail after 6:00PM by its workers. The fear is that there are so many things we need to have 24 hours a day, that their economy will crash. The reports of the number of employees affected by this rule were initially I million, but in reality the number is much smaller -seems to be about 200,000, see NPR Story on France's new workday.
I for one think we have a culture in the U.S. that does not value self-care, and because of that we are a population constantly just one step off of an edge. Sadly though, this culture of more-is-better doesn't yield better results, France's productivity rate is actually pretty comparable to the U.S. A feat considering their 35 hour workweek and mandatory vacation days, none of which are common here. To me this indicates, that we are obsessed with a lot of work and not with good work. We feel that if we spend long hours at the office we are somehow more productive even though we would produce the same in fewer hours.
As I age I have come to really value my time over all else, and I know that there is little I actually NEED. So the possibility of not having 24 hour service doesn't bother me, it reminds me that someone might have the time to spend with their family, their loved on or mourn a loss they would otherwise not have the time to mourn. In my case, the time to slowly enjoy a great cup of hot chocolate.
I for one think we have a culture in the U.S. that does not value self-care, and because of that we are a population constantly just one step off of an edge. Sadly though, this culture of more-is-better doesn't yield better results, France's productivity rate is actually pretty comparable to the U.S. A feat considering their 35 hour workweek and mandatory vacation days, none of which are common here. To me this indicates, that we are obsessed with a lot of work and not with good work. We feel that if we spend long hours at the office we are somehow more productive even though we would produce the same in fewer hours.
As I age I have come to really value my time over all else, and I know that there is little I actually NEED. So the possibility of not having 24 hour service doesn't bother me, it reminds me that someone might have the time to spend with their family, their loved on or mourn a loss they would otherwise not have the time to mourn. In my case, the time to slowly enjoy a great cup of hot chocolate.